
Achievement Gap

Dear Janice Jackson, I Hope You’re Open to Honest Conversations with Parents in Chicago Public Schools

Janice, you and I know each other. I remember talking with you back when you were a principal at Al Raby High School. I know your deep commitment to all the kids of Chicago, regardless of...

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Our School Is Intentionally Diverse Because We Know Our Differences Make Us Stronger

Recently, a parent at one of our Citizens of the World Charter Schools (CWC) campuses in Los Angeles shared this story with me: My husband and I were disagreeing in the car about the best way to get...

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People Thought She Had Lost Her Mind But She Knew Home Schooling Was Right for Her Babies

I used to be one of those parents, someone who thought home schooling was a fringe movement, driven by overprotective parents with cray-cray ideas who didn’t want their children exposed to new peers...

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When We Listen to Parents, We Get Real School Choice

As a child, I often heard the words, “Listen to your parents.” It was usually uttered with a stern look and was often mandated from the pulpit. The lesson was clear: Parents are wise, and are to be...

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Achievement Gap

Here Are the Real MVPs of National School Choice Week

It’s National School Choice Week (NSCW)! All week, we're celebrating those who work to provide available and accessible, high-quality options for students and families. Though the celebration is not...

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Betsy DeVos Loves to Cherry-Pick But She’s Got No Real Solutions

I love parent-teacher conferences. I enjoy talking to parents about what goes on in my classroom. I know they have very specific questions about what is happening in my seventh-grade math class, and...

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