

It’s Time to Feel the Hope and Outrage

I want to start a movement where people of color feel compelled and empowered to advocate for better education. This is why I’ve spent my entire career trying to get people to give a damn. And I’ve...

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Coffee Break: PowerMyLearning's Elisabeth Stock on How Personalized Learning Involves the Whole Family

Elisabeth Stock has been at the education game for decades as the head of PowerMyLearning, a nonprofit focused on personalized learning. I recently chatted with her about the organization’s promising...

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No Child Left Behind Had a Lot of Problems But I Miss the Days When We Cared About How All Kids Did in School

Once upon a time, well-heeled suburban schools used to have to worry about whether all their students made the grade—not just some of them, not just the White ones and the middle-class ones. The...

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Here’s How We’re Giving Rich, White Families a Stealth School Voucher

Rich, mostly White homeowners are officially on welfare. I know. I was as surprised as you are. But millions of affluent homeowners filed their taxes this week and took advantage of changes to the...

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71 Years Ago This Case Ended Segregation in California and Made Brown v. Board of Education Possible

In September 1943, Gonzalo Jr., Sylvia and Jerome Mendez went with their aunt, Soledad Vidaurri, and three cousins to enroll at the local elementary school, 17th Street School, in Westminster,...

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Achievement Gap

I’ve Done More to Help Students and Parents Than I Ever Did During My 15 Years in the Classroom

The day that I ended my career as a teacher, I woke up as a parent. I had taught for 15 years and I'd reached a career high, but still, I quit. The money was good, but it was no longer worth being a...

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