
Achievement Gap

Everyone Progresses With a Progressive Platform, Except for Black and Brown Children.

I’ve had the chance to travel a lot in my work as an educator and activist, and frequently I find myself in what I call the “too-expensive-for-Black folks” cities. You know, those cities that present...

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Achievement Gap

Progressives, If We Really Care About Education, Then Let's Act Like It

In the hallway of my apartment growing up in Brooklyn, there was a poster of a cover from the New Yorker Magazine entitled "View of the World from 9th Avenue." In the foreground was Manhattan's...

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Achievement Gap

I'll Believe Chicago Is Progressive When We Close the Gaps for Black and Brown Kids

Shame on it all! In a new report, “The Secret Shame: How America’s Most Progressive Cities Betray Their Commitment to Educational Opportunities for All,” brightbeam (the umbrella org for Education...

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opportunity gap

You Can Call It a 'Lost Decade,' But I See a Lot of Good Things Happening

The spin never stops when it comes to education and it goes into overdrive with the close of a decade. Amidst all the hype of a lost decade and the need for humility from education reformers,...

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Achievement Gap

We Need a New Way of Talking About Students Who Face Barriers Erected by Adults and Sustained by Broken Systems

I bring John, David, Ana and Sally into every training, strategy session and decision-making room I occupy. Well, actually I bring their stories, to remind myself and others of the students we are...

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opportunity gap

I Got Rid of Course Requirements for My AP English Class and I Don't Regret It

“So you’re just going to let anyone into your AP English class?” she quipped with sarcasm and snark. “Uhm … yeah,” I responded with cool decisiveness. The scene of this conversation? A conference...

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