
Achievement Gap

8 Million Stories Is Here to End the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Our Black boys aren’t served by the education system. Period. So many of them are sent right into the correctional industry. But that could be changing thanks to the work of organizations like 8...

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opportunity gap

How We Can Help Rural Students Overcome the Opportunity Gap

One of the best baseball movies I’ve seen is "Moneyball" with Brad Pitt. There’s this scene where Pitt’s character had just brought in an economics wiz and baseball fanatic from Yale, played by Jonah...

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opportunity gap

Real Educational Equity Isn't Going to Just Happen in Schools

Those of us in the education and learning fields are focused on developing ways to reduce the persistent educational inequities that harm low-income students. Unfortunately, meaningful progress...

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Achievement Gap

Trying to Talk About the Achievement Gap? Try This.

Politics and education are two of my favorite subjects. It’s neat when I have an opportunity to combine them. I recently listened to a speech by Gloria Ladson-Billings that did just that. I recommend...

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What Do Baltimore Parents Want? Advanced Academics and Help Choosing Schools

When it comes to school choice, opportunity in theory isn’t enough. We must ensure that families have the know-how to exercise choice wisely and that students in every elementary school leave fully...

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opportunity gap

No One Should Ever Have to Feel Like They're Not Smart Enough

“I could never make it there,” they said. “I am just not smart enough,” they explained. Those were some of the comments I heard from students in my high school teacher's Spanish class. I was back in...

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