I Felt Invisible in School, But I Teach So My LGBTQ+ Students Can Have the Chance to Be Seen
If you look up the word “visibility” in the dictionary, you get quite a few definitions including, “The ability to see or be seen.” When I was 12 years old, I remember feeling invisible because of my...
To My Trans Child, It's Time Your Teachers Matched Your Bravery
When our pronoun buttons came in the mail, you put two on your backpack. A couple of days later, you decided to wear one on your shirt: he/him/his. You didn't know how long you'd be able to keep the...
I’m One of the Most Well-Known LGBTQ Teachers in the US and I Was Called Out by a Fourth-Grader for Failing to Be Gender Neutral
I messed up today. I messed up, and a nine-year-old called me out. In front of the whole class. That’s right, one of the most well-known LGBTQ teachers in the United States was called out by a fourth...
LGBTQ Youth in Military Communities Need Our Support. Here's Why.
There are educational resources allocated to supporting LGBTQ young people, and there are education programs designed to support young people growing up in military communities. But, because of the...
We Have to Treat Every Student Like They’re Our Own, That Includes Transgender Students
Our job is about a promise to every parent who leaves their child with us. We promise to watch over their children and teach them. We promise to do no harm and to stand in harm’s way to protect them....
5 Tips to Promote Equity for Trans, Gender Variant and Non-Binary Students
A consistent finding in research on LGBTQ+ youth is the disproportionate bullying and victimization faced by trans students (i.e. transgender, gender nonconforming, and non-binary students). Even...