

Here's How Noggin Is Helping Little Kids Build Emotional Intelligence and Helping Their Parents Stay Sane, Too

It’s no secret that pandemic isolation has hit hard—maybe even hardest—on young children and their caregivers. Young children are wired to be with people: parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins,...

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Charter Schools

Will We Finally Tap The Learning Expertise That Is Present in Oft-Overlooked Communities?

Talk of an education “recovery” to address student “learning loss” is here, often with a focus on expanded summer learning programs, high-dose tutoring and expanded after-care programming. These...

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5 Steps to Help Students With Special Needs Make a Smooth Transition to In-Person Learning

With the end of the pandemic in sight and some communities already reopening, it is time to understand what it will take for special education teachers to transition back to in-person learning. The...

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student support

The Pandemic Is Exactly Why We Need Standardized Testing

In the next few weeks, nearly all school districts in the U.S. will offer at least some in-person instruction. The worst of the pandemic school closures are likely behind us, but the real work of...

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Teachers Are Working So Hard This Year, But Students With Disabilities Need More

I am a special education teacher with 17 years of experience in the classroom and a parent of two children with dyslexia. Recently, I learned that my daughter’s teachers have been modifying their...

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School Discipline

I'm Sorry (But Not Sorry) My Child Isn't Going to Zoom Detention

Last week, social media was ablaze due to a parent’s frustration about a consequence her child received. Uju Anya went on to explain how...

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