

You Don't Have to Be a Critical Race Scholar to Apply a Critical Race Lens to Your Practice

In education, we have a tendency to overcomplicate things by getting caught up with sophisticated academic jargon for things that, I believe, are common sense. Differentiation, culturally relevant...

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We Owe It to Our Students to Do Some Racial Justice Homework This Summer

This has been the longest year of my teaching career. Not literally, of course. Like many of you, I’ve worked about 200 days since last August, just as I do every year. Every educator, however, knows...

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4 Ways Parents Can Combat Learning Loss and the Summer Slide

It is summertime! While typically summer vacation serves as the signal for a prolonged break from academic work, parents should consider doing things a little bit differently this year. It is...

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Achievement Gap

When We Talk to Our Students, Let's Focus Less on 'Learning Loss' and More on Their Learning Leaps

In the winter and spring of 2021, as the year of remote and hybrid learning continued, I started to notice a drop in attendance, particularly amongst my top-achieving students. Students have told me...

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student support

Teachers Are the Best Experts on How to Spend the American Rescue Plan Money

The American Rescue Plan is sending an additional $128 billion in federal dollars to elementary and secondary schools to help students recover from the difficult year of learning caused by the...

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Charter Schools

Our Co-Teaching Relationship Helped Ease the Daily Pressures of Teaching, Even During a Pandemic

It was early March 2020 at Boston Collegiate Charter School in Boston, Massachusetts. We—two seasoned public school educators—were getting ready to wrap up our second year of co-teaching. Despite...

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