
student achievement

3 Rules for Transforming School Districts That I Learned Here in D.C.

D.C. is worth a long look if you want to make change in urban education. I have witnessed—and was fortunate enough to play a role in—the dramatic transformation of the public school system in our...

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Achievement Gap

4 Ways We Can Fund Personalized Learning to Create More Equitable Schools

Budget shortfalls in states are framing a new angle on educational equity conversations. It is no longer simply about what is right, but what is fiscally necessary for a state to grow and thrive....

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Personalized Learning Works Best When People Really Believe in Kids

Five years ago, Principal LeViis Haney arrived at Lovett Elementary in Chicago’s Austin neighborhood and found a school stuck in outdated, rote-learning practices. Teachers went page-by-page through...

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After You Read These 5 Things You'll See That Teachers Do Not Have Summers Off

I’m a regular at George’s Restaurant in Pelham Bay, Bronx. My waiter knows I’m a teacher. “It’s almost time for your vacation. Do you have any plans?” he asks. “Yes, study, travel, conference...

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Achievement Gap

Here's a Summer School Kids Actually Want to Attend

Below is a video and transcript of TED Fellow Karim Abouelnaga on his plan to reverse summer learning loss. See how he's helping kids improve their chances for a brighter future....

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School Choice

Mike Miles Is Challenging the ‘Immutable Laws’ of Public Education, and It’s Working

For more than one thousand years, science operated under the immutable law that Earth sat at the center of the universe. When observers questioned this law, the entrenched institutions of the time...

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