

Here’s a Virtual Hug for All You Instant Homeschoolers

Dear parents of school-age children: Please don’t be so hard on yourself if “e-learning” at home is hard for you. Teaching is a profession, where folks go to school, shadow other teachers and get...

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I'm Definitely No Expert on Homeschooling But Here's How I'm Making It Through

I wish my kids loved to read. But they don’t. They don’t even like it very much. And this may present a challenge as we move forward into a pandemic that will likely have our kids out of school for...

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student support

Schools Like This One Might Have an Easier Time Going Virtual

As COVID-19 continues to spread across New Jersey, “long term school closures are inevitable,” said Governor Phil Murphy on Friday. All across the country school districts are scrambling to replace...

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How Coronavirus Could Impact Our Most Vulnerable Students

The coronavirus is here in America and it is spreading. Around the world in countries such as Italy and China, cases and death rates are rapidly increasing and lockdowns are underway. We’re hopefully...

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Every Class Has a 'Unicorn' Child, And We Have to Teach Them Creatively

I encountered my first "unicorn" three years ago. She burst into my classroom announcing, Hello! Nice classroom you got there. Oh ... thank you. Are you a student at this school? Or, are you lost? In...

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opportunity gap

You Can Call It a 'Lost Decade,' But I See a Lot of Good Things Happening

The spin never stops when it comes to education and it goes into overdrive with the close of a decade. Amidst all the hype of a lost decade and the need for humility from education reformers,...

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