

Join Our Conversation on Learning and #PostCovEd

While privileged parents and pundits have the luxury of debating whether to prioritize academic or social-emotional learning, those on the front lines of exposure to the virus and job loss have...

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School Funding

Yes, Schools Can 'Build Back Better' From COVID-19, and Here's How

Since the United Nations’ 2006 post-tsunami report, Key Propositions for Building Back Better, the phrase Build Back Better has become the mantra of post-disaster reconstruction. Not only can...

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Love in a Time of Distance Learning

As an inexperienced special education teacher, I vividly recall hearing the shouting nearby. I raced down the hall, fearful of an incident brewing. Standing there was Dr. L.—a teacher—yelling up into...

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Gavin's Story Shines a Light on the Inequities Special Needs Students Face With Remote Learning

Ten-year-old Gavin Williams is a lively and affectionate youngster who loves to visit museums, experiment with computer-coding and plunge into ocean waves with his boogie-board. Gavin is also a...

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student support

Let's Focus on What's Best for Kids Instead of Replicating What's Broken

When schools were suddenly closed last month, even as I worried for my students and their families, I was blown away by the teachers, families and administrators I saw quickly springing into action....

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My Kids Are Online All the Time Now And I Don’t Always Know What They’re Looking At

OK, I have a confession to make. I have not been as good at monitoring my children’s internet access as I should have been. If I had to grade myself, I would be C+. And that would have been enough...

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