
whole child

Faced With a Global Pandemic, My Students Have Grown in New Ways

As school wrapped up this last year, several of my students joined my online “office hours” not seeking out help with the content, but instead wanting to share what was going on in their lives....

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Here's How You Can Prepare Your Children for Remote Instruction

This week, some Indianapolis students will begin the 2020-21 school year. This includes my twin sons. Their district, Washington Township, has decided to reopen remotely. The difference between the...

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Families Don't Have Tech Support They Need for Remote Learning

To create a truly successful distance learning program, you need more than just devices and connectivity. In the midst of the flurry of news regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, a parallel narrative has...

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opportunity gap

The Only Thing Certain About Reopening Schools Is Black and Brown Kids Will Be Screwed Again

I don’t know if y’all have noticed, but nobody knows what the hell they’re doing with this school reopening thing. And look, I don’t envy the parents, school districts or leaders having to make these...

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We Cannot Allow Reopening Schools to Be a Political Issue

After four years of being a largely forgotten policy area, PK-12 education suddenly became a national priority last week. Under ordinary circumstances, this should be cause for celebration, but the...

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I Am a Teacher. Here's What Scares Me Most About COVID-19

I’m afraid of COVID-19. So are you. And so is everyone else. Fear is the only rational response given the current pandemic. Yet fear can be paralyzing and polarizing because we are sometimes scared...

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