
opportunity gap

It Is Absolutely Necessary for Kids to Have Free, Reliable Internet Access

Earlier this week one of my friends posted a Facebook status that said her daughter started distance learning and during one of the class sessions she heard another parent say, “How long does this...

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Let's Get This Bag From the Government to Build Our Freedom Schools

Black people, it’s time to claim our bag and finally build an educational system that works for us! Back in March I wrote about how we need to end the pandemic that is racism in our public schools. I...

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School Choice

As We Return to Learn, We Must Create Choices for Families

As we consider opening back up the nation, let’s not forget to examine the lessons we have learned from COVID-19. Educators and school leaders faced with the task of creating “return to learn plans”...

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I Desperately Want to Get Back to School, But My Students' Safety Is My First Priority Right Now

I desperately want to return to school in the fall and be with my kids. In the most non-melodramatic, non-trivial way possible—I am lost without them. I imagine it’s somewhat similar to how...

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America, I Know You're Tired: A Letter From a Virtual Teacher

Dear America, Let me get this out of the way first thing: I am a public school teacher, and I wish I were in the classroom right now with your children. However, I am teaching remotely from my home...

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Charter Schools

I Believe in School Choice, But Only When Those Choices Are Available to Everyone

Two weeks ago, the governor of my state directed $32 million dollars in funds from the federal Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) fund to create scholarships to K-12 private schools. This...

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