I was eight years old when Sal Khan founded Khan Academy, a nonprofit, online platform that provides a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. In grade school, I used Khan Academy for extra...
Hey Shawnta! My children fell behind during the pandemic and I don't see our school helping them catch up. I don't have money for private tutoring. What can I do? Sincerely, Panicked Pandemic Parent...
When the mercury rises, that’s supposed to be family time, relaxation time, playtime for America’s students. It can also be a time of profound learning for the youngest children—if adults approach...
Today, the White House announced the launch of the National Partnership for Student Success, a three-year, public-private partnership that will recruit and place 250,000 Americans in schools as...
As a longtime online education parent and advocate, I hate to admit most of my fears about remote learning during the pandemic came true. The implementation was uneven and chaotic, and as a result,...