

Mental Health Should Be a Top Priority at Schools This Fall

As COVID-19 disrupted school for children statewide, many educators were focused on maintaining academic progress. That’s certainly important. But in my experience, as a public charter school teacher...

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student support

Surrounded by COVID, Civil Unrest and Chaos, Our Students Need Hope

Anyone who has ever been in a strategic planning meeting has been told that “hope is not a strategy.” We’re told instead to be clear-eyed about turning opportunity into revenue by having explicit,...

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Yes, White Teachers Still Need to Be Ready to Talk to Students About Race

“What’s the difference between a killing and a lynching?” The question popped up on my phone through the Google Hangouts app I installed in March. Since starting remote learning, my students Gchat me...

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student achievement

Here's How We Helped Hundreds of Low-Income Students Achieve This Summer, Despite the Pandemic

This spring, as schools limped across the virtual learning finish line, the consensus on virtual learning amongst educators was that this form of schooling could never match the quality of in-person...

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School Discipline

This School Really Called the Police on a Black Child for Playing With a Toy Gun on Camera

Recently, I saw a mother post on Facebook about how her son’s school called the cops on her child. In the post, the mother details how her son is playing with a toy gun during one of his online...

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What if We Actually Embraced Technology in the Classroom?

The academic spring semester took an extraordinary turn as the coronavirus pandemic swept the world. State shutdowns and stay-at-home orders shuttered schools and colleges, with 98% of institutions...

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