

Here's How You Prepare Teachers to Teach in a Pandemic

We continue to live in a Brave New World—of Zoom rooms and Google Meets, virtual check-ins, Seesaw, Flipgrid and Nearpod. Technologies and tools that were previously only for the savvy are now...

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How Low Will Standards Go for Underserved Parents? Oakland Families Are About to Find Out.

“My baby wants to go to Stanford,” an irate grandmother told me, “and this is what they give me.” She sent me a series of texts with her grandson’s teacher, demanding to know why she wasn’t told that...

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Achievement Gap

Without Data, We Can't Fight for Our Students' Futures

Sometimes, data can seem pesky. Just ask the folks who continue to suggest that coronavirus spikes are merely the result of increased testing. “You know why we have so many [coronavirus] case...

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Achievement Gap

Suburban Families Haven't Always Been Allies of School Choice, But That's Changing

Middle class, suburban families, once likely opponents of education choice, are now rallying behind the right to choose where to send their children to school. All it took was a pandemic that...

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student achievement

Here's Why Independent Reading Matters in a Pandemic

We’re in the midst of a back-to-school season like no other. The COVID-19 pandemic has raised lots of questions about how to safely and effectively keep kids learning when traditional classroom...

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I Found Out One of My Students Tested Positive for COVID and My Heart Sank

I was so excited last week. Exhausted, like so many of us are, but just plain happy. As my students romped into my room, and I heard the laughter each day as they sanitized their hands and plopped...

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