My neighbor, Oscar Carrillo, has lived almost all of his 18 years in legal limbo. His parents brought him to the United States as a baby on their quest for a better life. But that left Oscar...
“The land flourished because it was fed from so many sources, because it was nourished by so many cultures and traditions and peoples.” —Lyndon B. Johnson How does the American Dream end? How do we...
Marisol, Mari for short, is a true dreamer. One of my best friends, Mari, is a first-generation immigrant to the United States from Mexico. Her parents brought her as a baby, undocumented, but they...
For 10 years—the first decade I was in school—all my teachers were White women. As a Mexican-American kid, I didn’t get the chance to have a man of color as a teacher until high school. Going into my...
What I loved about Solorio was that I really got to know the teachers. Teachers wouldn’t talk down to us. It wasn’t lecture style. We would learn as much as we could about a reading or an assignment...
Quick: Name all of the male educators of color you had growing up. Having trouble coming up with any? You’re not alone. Only 2 percent of teachers in the United States are Black men. Hispanic men...