A consistent finding in research on LGBTQ+ youth is the disproportionate bullying and victimization faced by trans students (i.e. transgender, gender nonconforming, and non-binary students). Even...
As someone who has studied free-college Promise programs for over a decade, I read with interest the recent Education Trust report on equity in free-college efforts. While the report quite rightly...
I recently attended the Education Post Blogger Summit in Montgomery, Alabama. Of the many inspiring moments, the one that hit me hardest was when Alma Marquez recounted the time she called out the...
In education, we imagine school to be a safe and equitable place. But my experience has been very different. As both a Black male educator and an Ethnic Studies teacher, I am no stranger to...
I just got back from an amazing professional learning session delivered by Kentucky State University’s Dr. Roger Cleveland. In the session, he had us do an equity activity that absolutely made my jaw...