Legendary actress Meryl Streep recently garnered a considerable amount of media attention during a Vanity Fair panel about the second season of HBO’s series “Big Little Lies.” Much to the surprise of...
In middle school, I was the girl who would rather figure out math problems over discussing the latest fashion trends or lip gloss shade. Despite my infatuation with math and science and the fact that...
I remember the moment clearly. It was my sophomore year of college and we were in a crowded cafeteria. A friend asked me to identify the partner I was working with on a class project, so I pointed...
I don’t know about y’all but I get tired of seeing annual reports basically saying the same thing: Black people in America are suffering. Like this Urban League report that highlights racial...
Often, you hear about leaders, far earlier than you meet them. Sitting in a café near the school where I lead as principal, Mastery-Shoemaker, I was approached by a beaming waitress. “My...
I messed up today. I messed up, and a nine-year-old called me out. In front of the whole class. That’s right, one of the most well-known LGBTQ teachers in the United States was called out by a fourth...