In 2018, GLSEN's national school climate study indicated that 59.5% of LGBTQ students “felt unsafe at school because of their sexual orientation and 44.6% felt unsafe because of their gender...
This summer, my students and I learned that blue crabs are really feisty, but mosquitos are even feistier. For two weeks in June, I chaperoned a student fellowship program called Earthwatch Ignite,...
Every student deserves the chance to tell their story. Three years ago, to me, the daily proceedings at the vast majority of schools across my home state of Washington seemed almost identical. At my...
To know me is to know my aversion to all things “buzzwordy.” My rule of thumb for education is that if it can fit on a bumper sticker, it’s probably no silver bullet. That’s especially true for...
I watched the second round of the 2020 democratic presidential debates and I wasn’t as disappointed in the talking points as I was during the first debates....