Lakisha Young is the executive director of The Oakland REACH. Her work began through witnessing the disparities faced by Black and Brown students, including members of her own family. She sought to...
A few nights ago the CEO for Baltimore Public Schools joined my colleagues on the 8 Black Hands podcast to discuss her efforts to improve that city’s classroom results. Dr. Sonja Santelises, whose...
In schools across America, Black and Latino students are being pushed into less advanced courses, while their White peers reap the benefits of taking advanced classes, setting them up for better...
When I graduated from Harvard’s Graduate School of Education with a master’s degree in school leadership, I was confident I would quickly be hired as an administrator. I met all the requirements...
You mad, bro? That seems like the most appropriate question to ask after my team released “The Secret Shame of Progressive Cities” last week, a report highlighting the fact that gaps in educational...