Too often, education leaders think of schools and programs serving students who have gaps in their education, who are early parents, who are incarcerated or recently have been, who need to work while...
I’m five hours into facilitating a professional development on race for a group of teachers. Overall, the morning was positive: everyone has remained engaged in the activities and readings, and it’s...
I wanna talk about three things: movements, public education and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s words foreshadowing what would be an ongoing and urgent fight. Follow along as I connect all of these...
My hometown of Chicago has touted itself as a progressive city for many years. We’ve stood firm in our position as a sanctuary city and recently moved towards the legalization of marijuana—pushing a...
As a Minnesotan, February is a signal that the warmth of spring is so close yet so far away (seriously, last Thursday the high was two degrees!). And as someone deeply committed to fighting for...
AP (advanced placement) classes are designed for students to fail. In 2018, just over 50% of New York City public school students who took one or more AP exams passed at least one of the exams. That...