Our Students Have Strong Emotions Right Now, And That's Not a Disability
When a local newspaper featured a picture of one of our students at a peaceful protest against police brutality, the staff at the small special education program where I work were filled with pride....
I Haven't Been Doing a Great Job Talking About Racism With My White Children. It's Time to Step It Up.
I’m going to admit something: I have not been doing a super job talking about racism with my four White stepkids. And part of the reason is that I worry about a misstep. Saying the wrong thing....
George Floyd Is Proof America Needs More Black Teachers
America, 2020: A Black man is recorded being killed in broad daylight by a White police officer trained to “protect and serve.” As videos and eyewitnesses begin to uncover the lies told about George...
Our Children Need Us Not to Grow Weary in the Work of Anti-Racism
I am finding it difficult to get through most days without crying, without feeling like water is rising above my head, without feeling a great sense of despair. I feel a heaviness in my chest....
With a Little Radical Imagination, We Can Prepare Our Students to Become Leaders
Early in the school year, after our daily Pledge of Allegiance, my fifth grader, Cassandra, asked, “Why are people mad when Colin Kaepernick kneels during the national anthem?” It was a thoughtful...
When You Say ‘We’re All in This Together,’ Black People Know You’re Lying
He has traveled the world advocating for Black people. From the communities inhabited by poor Black people in Durham, North Carolina to the bush of Mozambique, and throughout his beloved city of...