So many headlines these days are about how Black students are “falling behind” during the pandemic. They’re “missing” and “lost.” But the truth is, Black students aren’t lost—the question is, do you...
The past year has put an intense spotlight on the racism and inequities that plague American schools. It has also inspired leaders and educators to embrace new opportunities to reimagine education...
I get it: “learning loss” is scary. Considering the unprecedented overuse of the word “unprecedented” to describe what our nation’s K-12 education system has faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, we...
Over many decades, America’s disciplinary policies, from preschool to high school, have disproportionately affected marginalized students. This difference creates a “discipline gap.” Black students...
Exactly 60 years ago, James Baldwin wrote in Esquire magazine that "Anyone who has ever struggled with poverty knows how extremely expensive it is to be poor." Recent statements from some major...
“I am a white ally,” the 30 something-year-old white teacher declared emphatically in the diversity and inclusion professional development session. She snapped her fingers to co-sign a colleague’s...