

Apprentice Plumber and High School Senior Leonard Ferguson Isn't Afraid to Tackle the Dirty Jobs

As an eighth-grader, Leonard Ferguson signed up for the plumbing concentration at Baltimore County’s Western School of Technology and Environmental Science, but he wasn’t sold on being a plumber....

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1% of Nurses Are Hispanic Men, High School Senior Salvador Torres Wants to Change That

According to Minority Nurse magazine, less than 1% of nurses are Hispanic men. Salvador Torres, an 18-year-old senior at Richards Career Academy, hopes to join their ranks. But first, Torres plans to...

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Can America Follow Nevada's Lead in Giving Students Recession-Proof Job Skills?

Nevada was the fastest growing state for decades. Jobs were plentiful, housing affordable and taxes low. Tourists streamed to the entertainment capital of the United States. But things changed....

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Charter Schools

Trump Isn't Just Cutting the Education Budget, He Wants Schools to Pay for the Wall

Mexico will not pay for Donald Trump’s wall. Your children will. And your children’s children will pay the interest, as will their children—and perhaps the children of several generations to come....

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Personalized Learning Done Right Can Close the Technology and Achievement Gap

Personalized learning, or personalization, is the idea that every student learns differently, so educators should adapt the pace and instructional approach to meet the needs of each learner. Just...

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Embarc’s Imran Khan on Why College Isn’t the Holy Grail

Recently I sat down with Imran Khan, co-founder of Embarc, a nonprofit that partners with 18 Chicago Public Schools (CPS) high schools to provide three years of community-based experiential...

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