

While We Get Lost in the Wrong Arguments, Too Many of Our Kids Aren’t Ready for the Future

As a Generation Xer, I was sold the dream in the 1990s that one day we would all telecommute to work, execute our daily duties in our pajamas and never wear business suits again. Work as we knew it...

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student achievement

Black Male Educators Have Sounded the Alarm, But Will We Listen?

For years, Black males have been underrepresented in P-12 education. While there have been many efforts to diversify classrooms by adding more Black male educators, there are still obstacles to...

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Charter Schools

Don't Forget, Not Every Student Had Opportunities for Enrichment This Summer

This summer, my students and I learned that blue crabs are really feisty, but mosquitos are even feistier. For two weeks in June, I chaperoned a student fellowship program called Earthwatch Ignite,...

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Student Voice

How This Music Program Is Helping Incarcerated Youth Tell Their Stories

More than 60,000 young people are incarcerated in secure facilities, residences and group homes, learning in alternative education settings designed to keep them in school or prepare them for jobs...

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3 Things That Could Help Get More Girls In STEM

In middle school, I was the girl who would rather figure out math problems over discussing the latest fashion trends or lip gloss shade. Despite my infatuation with math and science and the fact that...

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public schools

José Guzmán Was Accepted Into College But He's Ready to Start His Electrical Career Now

Richards Career Academy senior José Guzmán knows how to hustle. He learned his confident, easy way with people by selling candy on Pulaski Avenue, a bustling thoroughfare on Chicago’s Southwest Side....

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