

Kids Might Be Addicted to Screens But Schools Aren't Helping Either

Recently my school’s counseling department organized a showing of the documentary “Screenagers” to all 450 of our middle school students. The film explores the negative impacts of children spending...

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New York

Here's Why Every Kid Needs Computer Science, Not Just the Kids Who Like Math

The nationwide rush to implement computer science (CS) education in schools is often attributed to a desire to increase workforce preparedness. This makes sense given the growth in CS-related jobs...

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You Can’t Just Trust Your Instincts, You Actually Have to Go Ask the Parents What They Think

“In God we trust. All other bring data.” —W. Edward Demming Right now, our school, Nashville Classical Charter School, is planning to open a middle school in two years. We’re spending a lot of time...

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How Computer-Based Assessments Empower Educators and Students

If you went through grade school in the last 40 years, chances are you remember filling in answer bubbles to columns of multiple choice items. The introduction of Scantron forms allowed for...

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I Went to a Good School, So Why Am I Terrible at Math?

Math is/was/always will be my worst subject. It doesn’t matter if it’s factorials (good God, what?), statistics (it looks easy but it’s not), or even something as simple as long division—there’s...

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Charter Schools

The Last Thing I Wanted Was Another Standardized Test, But I'm Glad I Took This One Seriously

As a busy high school student with a demanding schedule, the last thing I wanted to add to my plate was yet another standardized test. But two years ago, my school—Research Triangle High School in...

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