

Coffee Break: PowerMyLearning's Elisabeth Stock on How Personalized Learning Involves the Whole Family

Elisabeth Stock has been at the education game for decades as the head of PowerMyLearning, a nonprofit focused on personalized learning. I recently chatted with her about the organization’s promising...

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Our Cities Can Help Lift Young People Out of Poverty When They Invest in Their Skills and Education

In recent years, our nation’s cities have attracted young people who are poised to thrive. High achievers—whether they are super-lawyers, political powerhouses or star chefs—flock to urban centers to...

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Aren't Colleges Supposed to Help You Find a Good Job?

As parents, we focus so much energy on making sure our kids are prepared for college, because we believe this is the sure path for a productive career and promising future. Turns out our college kids...

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Why the ‘Ed’ and the ‘Tech’ Are Sometimes At Odds in the ‘Ed Tech’ Conversation, and Which One Should Win

One way to know if you really understand something is to try to teach it. Or blog about it. As a non-techie type of educator, I didn’t know how confused I was about ed tech until I attended the...

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It Doesn't Take Millions to Support Students' Mental Health

Brand-new charter school Washington Leadership Academy (WLA) has already drawn national attention for its commitment to incorporating the latest in tech, including virtual reality, into student...

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Personalized Learning Works Best When People Really Believe in Kids

Five years ago, Principal LeViis Haney arrived at Lovett Elementary in Chicago’s Austin neighborhood and found a school stuck in outdated, rote-learning practices. Teachers went page-by-page through...

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