

How STEAM Is Giving Students the Confidence They Need to Tackle the Next Challenge

Over the years, an increasing amount of schools nationwide have incorporated the STEM framework into their curriculum—engaging students around the subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and...

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student achievement

Students Need to Know Their Career Options Long Before They Head to College

More than 30 years into my career as CEO of a national nonprofit, you’d think the jitters associated with big decisions would be in my rearview mirror. But whether preparing for board presentations...

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This STEM Learning Program Shows How We Can Give Every Child a Chance to Succeed

Shayla Toran is a third-grade student who thrives when presented with opportunities to discover how things work. Two years ago, she stepped into D.C.-based Eagle Academy Public Charter School’s...

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Here's the One Thing You Haven't Heard About LeBron's New School

As a sports fan, there are few moments of near unanimous consensus of an athlete’s greatness. But with LeBron James’ unprecedented decision to open the I Promise school in his old neighborhood and...

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student achievement

3 Things You Should Know About Career and Technical Education

For decades now, the education community has stated that the majority of students who drop out of high school do so not because high school is too hard, but because they are too bored by the content...

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Stop Teaching Like Technology and the Internet Don't Exist

It’s tough to take an individualized approach to teaching by using technology in the classroom. Even when the technology is there—which it often isn’t—the teacher needs to decide how it can best...

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