Carmita Vaughan is the founder and president of the Surge Institute, which selects and trains people of color to become leaders in education reform. In a previous life, she worked for Fortune 500...
“I am America. I am the part you won't recognize. But get used to me. Black, confident, cocky; my name, not yours; my religion, not yours; my goals, my own; get used to me.”—Muhammad Ali The late,...
In the bubble of the education reform world, everyone is (still) talking about Robert Pondiscio’s essay, The Left’s Drive to Push Conservatives Out of Education Reform. Pondiscio’s essay incited a...
Ed reform circles are getting all worked up about race. Chicago charter parent and educator Marilyn Rhames started the conversation with a modest celebration of the growing diversity in the reform...
Lately, there has been a clarion call to increase the percentage of Black male teachers in American public schools. Currently, we make up only 2 percent of American public school teachers. While...