"The Holocaust was an atrocity." This was the example I gave my eighth graders as we were learning our words of the week. And with one word, I learned that my eighth grade students had no idea what...
America is more diverse than it’s ever been, as are the students attending public schools, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at individual schools. In fact, schools are the most segregated they’ve...
To know me is to know my aversion to all things “buzzwordy.” My rule of thumb for education is that if it can fit on a bumper sticker, it’s probably no silver bullet. That’s especially true for...
Dear White Teachers of My Black Children: I am a Black mom and I have two children who are now in high school. Raising them to be inquisitive, informed adults with a strong sense of identity and...
Seth Gershenson’s research on the impact of teacher expectations and their effect on students has made waves across the country. With the support of the Fordham Institute, he recently published a new...