"If you teach the Negro that he has accomplished as much good as any other race he will aspire to equality and justice without regard to race. Such an effort would upset the program of the oppressor...
Every child deserves an excellent education—every child. That’s a principle, presumably, no one would argue with, and I’ve spent my entire career working toward it. Yet, critiques of culturally...
Hey, white educators, stop your doom-scrolling and reset your algorithm in a way that can reduce your biases. If you follow Black teachers and education activists, I promise several things will...
The future of civic education and social studies is on the ballot in November. Hold your eye roll. I know this is instance No.1,292 of someone telling you that catastrophe looms for “X” if you vote...
Imagine a doctor knowing vital, life-saving information about your health, but not sharing it with you. It would be not only unacceptable, it would be grounds for dismissal. Choosing not to act, when...