

I'm Definitely No Expert on Homeschooling But Here's How I'm Making It Through

I wish my kids loved to read. But they don’t. They don’t even like it very much. And this may present a challenge as we move forward into a pandemic that will likely have our kids out of school for...

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student support

Schools Like This One Might Have an Easier Time Going Virtual

As COVID-19 continues to spread across New Jersey, “long term school closures are inevitable,” said Governor Phil Murphy on Friday. All across the country school districts are scrambling to replace...

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Just Because I’m a Full-Time Education Activist Doesn’t Mean I Know What to Do Now

When news reports of the coronavirus became too alarming to ignore a few of my brothers and sisters in Christ wrote blog posts saying the pandemic would lead many families to pursue homeschooling. I...

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Six Tips for Talking to Kids About Coronavirus

As much as we want to put on a brave face and continue living our life like “normal,” the underlying levels of anxiety continue to rise as parents and children fear the uncertainties beyond testing,...

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We Shouldn't Have to Figure Out How to Survive Coronavirus on Our Own

Reason number 2.8 million as to why I love my Black people—we have a sense of humor about everything. For example, the Black Delegation passed a motion to rename the Covid-19 Virus “The Rona” or “Dat...

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If We’re Going to Be Home From Work, We Might as Well Make a Difference

Due to Covid-19, whether we want to or not, our work lives may have to be a whole lot closer to home. Those of us privileged enough to have work that can be done remotely will likely face long stints...

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