

This Is the One Time I Actually Do Want to Hear From Betsy Devos

In the past few days, I have received countless correspondence from every online vendor I have ever purchased anything from—the gym, doctor’s office, restaurants, stores. Each one of them taking the...

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student support

Our Teachers Are Not Okay. We Know This, And If We Don’t, We Should

The last week was stressful for all of us educators, and the coming weeks will provide us with even more challenges, I’m sure. This is my first year teaching at the collegiate level full-time after...

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student support

They Didn't Have a Chance to Say Goodbye

I have spent the week having flashbacks to a Friday in 2001 when I sobbed in my classroom. It was the middle of March and I was leaving my teaching job to accompany my future husband on his Navy...

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Districts Are Using Students With Disabilities as an Excuse to Do Nothing

My husband and I have four children. Our three oldest are what we in the special needs community call “neuro-typical” and our youngest has multiple disabilities. Let’s pretend that they are all...

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Communities Need Bold and Decisive Leaders Right Now

Tough times reveal all you need to know about the soul of good people. This is coming into focus for me as the nation buckles down under strict “social distancing” measures in response to COVID-19,...

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Here’s a Virtual Hug for All You Instant Homeschoolers

Dear parents of school-age children: Please don’t be so hard on yourself if “e-learning” at home is hard for you. Teaching is a profession, where folks go to school, shadow other teachers and get...

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