
Special Education

Real Talk From Parents Homeschooling Children With Disabilities

Parents of children with disabilities are already some of the strongest, fiercest and most exhausted parent advocates for quality schools during regular times. So sure, add on a national pandemic,...

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opportunity gap

Will This Pandemic Force Us to Boldly Address the Inequities in Our Schools?

I live right off Route 206, a mostly two-lane road that begins in the Pinelands of southern New Jersey, winds 130 miles north to Stokes State Forest, and ends in Dingman Township, Pennsylvania. One...

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COVID-19 Shows Why We Need Public Schools Now More Than Ever

“Mr. Kelly, what happens next?” As a teacher, I have heard some version of that question countless times in different circumstances over the years. However, I have never faced that question more than...

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I Think This Remote Learning Thing Can Actually Work. Here Are 3 Tips.

I’ve seen a number of articles in recent days about whether schools and parents should prioritize remote learning while schools are closed. As a former teacher, principal, and from my time working on...

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The Inequity Between Students Isn’t New, COVID-19 Is Just Bringing It to Light

During World War II, riding out the Blitz in his native London, theologian and fantasy author C. S. Lewis wrote, “The war creates no absolutely new situation; it simply aggravates the permanent human...

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Special Education

Once We Beat the Coronavirus, Let's End the Pandemic in Our Public Schools

Here’s something to take our minds off occasional thoughts of the world ending—thoughts probably caused by hallucinations from inhaling the Lysol we’re spraying hourly to keep COVID-19 out of our...

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