
School Funding

DeVos Released $3 Billion in Education Emergency Funds to State Governors. Too Bad It's Not Enough.

On April 3, Governors Asa Hutchinson and Jay Inslee sent a letter on behalf of all the nation’s governors to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos pleading with her to release the education funds embedded...

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Love in a Time of Distance Learning

As an inexperienced special education teacher, I vividly recall hearing the shouting nearby. I raced down the hall, fearful of an incident brewing. Standing there was Dr. L.—a teacher—yelling up into...

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We're All First-Year Teachers Now, And Our First Lesson Should Be Grace

As I gathered materials to take home on what should have been our second day back from spring break, my school’s first-year English teacher, McKenna Quinn, popped in to say hello. She was carrying a...

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Here's What I Suggest Schools Do Now to Support Students Through This Pandemic

This Coronavirus pandemic is truly a life-changing event. It is hard to even compare what we are experiencing to any other time period in American history. And, through it all, we know that the truth...

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Education Secretary Betsy DeVos' Guidance Is All Over the Place

Color her fickle. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos can’t seem to steer a steady course as she leads 55 million K-12 public school students and their parents, as well as America’s four million...

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opportunity gap

This Is What Education Activism Looks Like During COVID-19

When you go back in history and look at who was leading the charge in the fight for liberation, it was always a person—or a group of seemingly crazy but brave people—unafraid of the consequences...

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