Color her fickle. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos can’t seem to steer a steady course as she leads 55 million K-12 public school students and their parents, as well as America’s four million...
When you go back in history and look at who was leading the charge in the fight for liberation, it was always a person—or a group of seemingly crazy but brave people—unafraid of the consequences...
Ten-year-old Gavin Williams is a lively and affectionate youngster who loves to visit museums, experiment with computer-coding and plunge into ocean waves with his boogie-board. Gavin is also a...
When schools were suddenly closed last month, even as I worried for my students and their families, I was blown away by the teachers, families and administrators I saw quickly springing into action....
We’re facing a global emergency where tens of millions of children are seeing their education disrupted. But the truth is that for many kids and families, it has always been this way. Almost three...