student support
Here's How We Can Keep This Crisis From Digging Even Wider Educational Divides
I am a former school leader and a current educational strategist who works with charter leaders from all across New Orleans. Together, we have been thinking about the intersection of educational...
Special Education
Don't Let Them Fool You: The FCC Has Done Nothing New to Connect Kids
They almost had me. After weeks and weeks of working and fighting for the FCC to guarantee the educational rights of low-income families by compelling internet providers to ensure all students have...
If It's Important for Girls to Lead, Let's Make It a Priority at School
Coronavirus has given us little to celebrate. My hope is that one of the silver linings during this crisis is that all students, but especially girls, have the opportunity to see women in positions...
student support
The Most Important Resource I Can Offer My Students Right Now Is Access to Me
When Texas Governor Greg Abbott shuttered schools for the rest of the academic year, the first person I thought of was one of my first-grade students, Maria. She is one of my best and brightest first...
Now Is the Time to Reimagine Education for Students of Color
Everybody’s waiting on the day when things will go back to normal. Not me. Don’t get me wrong—I’m all the way over COVID-19. Tired of talking about it and tired of living it. I know all Americans...
We Can't Return to Status Quo When This Pandemic Is Over
Just by way of introduction, let me begin this post the way I have begun most conversations in the past month: I am both exhausted and privileged to be so. Privileged because I have a job that, so...