

This Student's Story Shows Why Distance Learning Can't Always Come First

Before we get started, I want you to really take a moment and imagine how it feels to walk in my shoes for a day: I’m a Queer, Hmong, Asian American Woman. I come from a low-income family. I’m...

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opportunity gap

Public Education Is a Storm But Our Kids Aren't Weathering it in the Same Boat

“We’re all in the same storm, not the same boat.” That’s the statement one of my friends made during a virtual town hall I hosted...

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opportunity gap

5 Ways School Leaders Can Begin to Better Equip Themselves to Deal With the Challenge We're Facing

One of my mentors begins each interrogative problem-solving conversation with the same question, “Who knew what, when, and what did you do about it?” The question pushes us to think and rely on our...

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In Brownsville, Texas, a Pandemic Won't Stop Students from Learning

The national media rarely focuses on communities like Brownsville, Texas. When they do, border communities are often painted in black-and-white, used as a backdrop to discuss national issues like...

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Let’s Show Teachers We Appreciate Them by Valuing Their Expertise

This year, Teacher Appreciation Week has taken on a whole new dimension. With many states, including Illinois, now shuttered for the remainder of the school year, countless parents nationwide are...

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Special Education

No, It's Not OK to Leave My Child Behind, Even in a National Crisis

As a disability advocate and a parent of a child with autism, I’m hearing stories from other parents of children with autism that break my heart! Here is one story from a fellow mom who shows us all...

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