
Charter Schools

I See Humanity in 'Full Bloom' in My COVID-19 Classroom

I used to leave my phone at the front of the classroom in case of emergencies at home. Of course, I didn’t advertise its place there, but also of course, the students found it and would snag it...

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Charter Schools

KIPP Schools’ Response to COVID-19 Went Way Beyond Academics

You often hear that a crisis usually brings out the best in people, and it was certainly the case at KIPP Schools around the country. I am certain countless other schools have a similar story to...

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Charter Schools

COVID-19 Has Been a Masterclass in Family and Student Partnerships

Like many of our charter public school peers, our school deeply values and relies heavily on feedback from our school community. At Match Charter Public School in Boston, we typically survey students...

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student support

I Can’t Imagine Not Being Able to ‘Dap Up’ My Students Next School Year

Handshakes are a deeply ingrained part of our society, and they play an important role in daily life. Handshakes, or one of their various cultural equivalents, such as dap, can be greetings that...

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student support

Literacy Needs to Be at the Forefront of Instruction When Schools Reopen

According to the most recent report by the National Association for Educational Progress, 64% of all fourth grade students in America are unable to read proficiently. The number increases to 78% in...

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student support

Students Who Are Homeless Need Us Now More Than Ever. And It Starts at the Top.

Before the COVID-19 outbreak, public schools identified 1.5 million children and youth experiencing homelessness. Tom*, a high school senior in York County, PA, was one of them. Like many homeless...

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