

Teachers Must Hold Themselves Accountable for Dismantling Racial Oppression

This week began with a hike in the woods for my family and me in the Shenandoah Valley State Park. Pre COVID-19, our outings consisted of laser tag, movies every weekend, and going out to eat, but...

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Without Internet Access, Our Most Vulnerable Children Are Locked Outside the Digital Schoolhouse Door

Philadelphia's problem is America’s problem. If you want to go to school, see a doctor, apply for a job, enroll in training or receive government benefits—you need a computer and an internet...

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student achievement

First-Gen Students, The World Needs Us Now More Than Ever

Dear High School and Undergraduate Seniors, I am no expert. This my story, and I hope it is one many of you can relate to and refer to for motivation whenever you’re feeling like giving up. I don’t...

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student support

COVID-19's Impact on First-Generation College Students Is Complicated

As a nonprofit leader and educator who works with college students of African descent, I am intimately aware of how challenging getting through college can be for some students. When COVID-19 hit, I...

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For My Family, Seeing Their First-Gen Latina Daughter Walk Across the Stage Would Have Been Everything

If I were a magician for a day, I would strike my wand and eliminate the memory of the coronavirus as well as its impact. Instead, I am a high school senior adjusting to life during a pandemic that...

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Special Education

Reopening Schools While Coronavirus Is Still on the Loose Is Ass-Backward

I swear this country is ass-backward. In last week’s Senate hearing, Dr. Anthony Fauci—the nation’s leading expert on the coronavirus pandemic—said outright, “... states will face serious...

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