
opportunity gap

Here's Why This Year's AP Exams Never Should Have Happened

High school students are graduating into an uncertain world. As a high school physics teacher in Boston Public Schools (BPS), I have seen the many ways that the pandemic has robbed our seniors of...

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Any Plan for Safely Reopening Schools Must Address the Whole Child

The challenge of safely educating children in high poverty school districts during the pandemic is glaring. A recent analysis of Philadelphia showed many students essentially dopped out when schools...

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Not All Virtual Learning Is Created Equal, But Tech Innovation Can Help

Rapid paradigm shifts can introduce issues for any sector, but they’re particularly challenging in the field of education. School districts across the country attempted to answer the call of remote...

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To Create a Better Education System, Teachers Must Become Learners

As we all anxiously await a return to normal, the worst thing that could happen for schools is just that—return to normal. If we do not emerge from the situation COVID-19 has placed us in with...

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XQ+RI Schools Rise to the Challenge of Distance Learning and Hope to Inspire a State

Before the COVID-19 pandemic came into full view, the voice of Angélica Infante-Green, the Rhode Island Education Commissioner, bounced off the marble walls of the State House as she readied to...

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opportunity gap

Let’s Make America More Just for Our Immigrant Students and Families

When we think of education equity, we typically think of issues along the lines of traditional opportunity gaps disproportionately affecting children of color. As equity-minded educators, our...

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