As school wrapped up this last year, several of my students joined my online “office hours” not seeking out help with the content, but instead wanting to share what was going on in their lives....
This week, some Indianapolis students will begin the 2020-21 school year. This includes my twin sons. Their district, Washington Township, has decided to reopen remotely. The difference between the...
With the reopening of school approaching, I can’t lie, I’m scared AF! As a parent, it is my job to keep my babies educated and safe. I’m very concerned about how my children will get the proper...
For millions of K-12 students, the pandemic has led to unprecedented interruptions of critical education and services. Many students will continue to fall behind and face stunted educational...
To create a truly successful distance learning program, you need more than just devices and connectivity. In the midst of the flurry of news regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, a parallel narrative has...