

America, I Know You're Tired: A Letter From a Virtual Teacher

Dear America, Let me get this out of the way first thing: I am a public school teacher, and I wish I were in the classroom right now with your children. However, I am teaching remotely from my home...

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Charter Schools

I Believe in School Choice, But Only When Those Choices Are Available to Everyone

Two weeks ago, the governor of my state directed $32 million dollars in funds from the federal Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) fund to create scholarships to K-12 private schools. This...

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James Baldwin’s ‘Talk to Teachers’ Is Just as Relevant Today

As I sit here, processing my thoughts on the severity of events that are currently grappling with our nation, I reflect on the historical circumstances that contributed to today's conflicts. As an...

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opportunity gap

Parents Are Rebuilding School, And Systems Must Follow Their Lead to Create Equity

As we prepare to send our children back to school in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis—a unique and terrible event I hope we never repeat—we cannot miss the opportunity to deconstruct and rebuild K-12...

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student support

Let's Tap Afterschool to Create Pandemic Pods for All Kids

These are scary times. I’m navigating an elderly mom afraid to leave her house, two socially isolated kids struggling to learn on their own, and a job with a workload that has increased, not...

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Why It's Time to Raise Hell About Reopening Schools

This week, teachers all over the country are holding demonstrations protesting plans to re-open schools for in-person learning. Obviously, there’s heated debate everywhere about how to handle the new...

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