

Kamala Harris Has an Opportunity to Stand Up for Black Kids

After months of speculation in what I personally believe is the least covered presidential campaign in modern history, Joe Biden announced Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate. The pick puts a...

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We All Must Call Out Inequitable Grading Practices

Chicago students demonstrated extraordinary character and resilience during the pandemic crisis transitioning from traditional classroom learning experiences to remote learning practically overnight....

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COVID Changed Everything About My Classroom

I cried as I set up my classroom this year. This was no dainty, politely fighting-back-tears kind of cry. It was a violent, sobbing, heaving cry that started as an ache in my chest and climbed its...

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Let's Get This Bag From the Government to Build Our Freedom Schools

Black people, it’s time to claim our bag and finally build an educational system that works for us! Back in March I wrote about how we need to end the pandemic that is racism in our public schools. I...

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School Choice

As We Return to Learn, We Must Create Choices for Families

As we consider opening back up the nation, let’s not forget to examine the lessons we have learned from COVID-19. Educators and school leaders faced with the task of creating “return to learn plans”...

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I Desperately Want to Get Back to School, But My Students' Safety Is My First Priority Right Now

I desperately want to return to school in the fall and be with my kids. In the most non-melodramatic, non-trivial way possible—I am lost without them. I imagine it’s somewhat similar to how...

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