

It's Online But It's Still School. Here Are 4 Tips for Your Child's Success.

It’s late August and school is happening from home. The pandemic has forced us to reimagine school whether we like it or not. Remote learning means that my 8-year-old will be next to me while I work....

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Our School Already Started and It’s Not Like Anything I've Ever Seen

School buildings closed across the country last spring, and now, they are reopening. The reopening plans vary state to state, city to city, and from district to district. The options have been...

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3 Questions Every Educator Should Ask to Prepare for School This Year

There are some things we understand much better today than we did four months ago. Leading school districts and schools of all grade levels during the COVID-19 pandemic has become the greatest...

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Will We Still Fight for Racial Justice in Schools This Fall?

Parents, I can say with confidence the classrooms your children left in the spring will not be the same one they will return to this fall—and not only because of COVID-19 social distancing...

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opportunity gap

It Is Absolutely Necessary for Kids to Have Free, Reliable Internet Access

Earlier this week one of my friends posted a Facebook status that said her daughter started distance learning and during one of the class sessions she heard another parent say, “How long does this...

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Charter Schools

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Must Rise Above a 'Woke' Agenda That Limits School Choice

True confession: I didn’t watch the Democratic virtual convention Monday night. Currently I’m maintaining my mental health by mainlining “The West Wing,” sort of like Tom Hanks clinging to his...

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