

Everyone Is Talking About 'Reinventing Education.' Here Are 10 Schools Actually Doing It.

Today, all over the world, we see the power, commitment and wisdom of young people in action. For inspiration, just look at Chris Suggs, Malala Yousafzai, Greta Thunberg or the young activists from...

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This Texas District Didn't Wait for the Feds to Create #InternetForAll Their Kids

Mark Estrada, superintendent of Lockhart Independent School District, says the first day of in-person classes went pretty well considering the COVID-19 pandemic—with about 45% of students inside the...

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We Can and Must Repair the Damage This Pandemic Is Causing Our Students

Across America, teachers and administrators have managed to cobble together classes, whether through in-person attendance, virtually or a hybrid. Getting this strangest of school years up and running...

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Charter Schools

You Can Hate Trump and Support School Choice

Every time Donald Trump says, “school choice is the civil rights issue of our time,” I cringe. It’s hard to think of a more debauched messenger for a parent-powered social justice movement based on...

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opportunity gap

If We Don't Do Something Radical Now We Will Fail Our Kids

This has not been the “back to school” we look forward to each year. In these early days of the new school year, it has already been an incredibly difficult time for students, families and teachers....

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COVID Can't Stop Ms. Gutierrez From Nurturing Her Students' Love of Reading

Many students are looking to escape the harsh realities of COVID-19. Online learning, social distancing, closure of many businesses and recreation areas, and the struggling economy has brought about...

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