

How to Help Kids Cope With COVID and Back to School Stress

In a year like none other, going back to school—usually a well-established, streamlined process marked by ordered checklists and cheerful first-day photos—has been a long and chaotic road. Some...

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opportunity gap

We Don't Give a Damn About Equity Initiatives Without Intentional Investment in Our Kids

Closed mouths don’t get fed. That’s why fellow Chicago activist, Natasha Dunn, and I recently demanded that Chicago Public Schools adopt our Black Student Achievement Task Force to serve as a liaison...

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School Funding

If the NBA Can Do It, Why Can't Our Schools?

Few physical institutions are stronger symbols of childhood than Walt Disney World’s theme parks. At its peak, nearly 250,000 children and their families visited the Walt Disney World parks and...

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Books Are Essential Tools to Help Children Manage Grief

With more than 200,000 COVID-related deaths nationwide since March, and with the knowledge from a recent Kaiser Family Foundation study that the COVID infection rates are significantly higher in...

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student support

Internet Access Is a National Crisis, So Who's Going To Fix It?

It’s October, almost seven months into a pandemic that has turned the world upside down. Since the shutdowns in March, folks have adapted; businesses have gotten creative with curbside pickup and...

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Charter Schools

As Usual, Education Is Not a Priority for Our Presidential Candidates

With less than four weeks until election day, President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden finished their first presidential debate last week with no discussions about the state of our...

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