
Charter Schools

Oklahoma Parents Dreamed Big and Built Their Own School

What would happen if you sat a group of parents down and asked them, “In an ideal world, what would education look like for our children?” On Tuesday, December 1, you can find out all about it during...

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student achievement

Here's Why Independent Reading Matters in a Pandemic

We’re in the midst of a back-to-school season like no other. The COVID-19 pandemic has raised lots of questions about how to safely and effectively keep kids learning when traditional classroom...

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Achievement Gap

Former Sec. of Ed John King Calls on School Boards to Govern With Equity

While partisan politics has once again dominated the headlines this election season, the real stories lie with the thousands of newly-elected local officials across the country, including school...

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I Found Out One of My Students Tested Positive for COVID and My Heart Sank

I was so excited last week. Exhausted, like so many of us are, but just plain happy. As my students romped into my room, and I heard the laughter each day as they sanitized their hands and plopped...

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The Pandemic Has Only Underscored the Unfair Burden That Schools Shoulder

Joe Biden’s election and this week's good news about several coronavirus vaccine candidates are massive developments in a months-long debate over how our schools should best reopen in the new school...

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There Are Actually a Few Things I'll Bring Into My Real Classroom Once This Is Over

For families, students and staff, the start of this year was markedly different from past years. In place of student schedules and bus routes, our students received a set of Zoom links and email...

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