The Oakland REACH is an Oakland-based, parent-run, parent-led group committed to empowering families from our most underserved communities to demand high-quality schools for our children. The Oakland...
Sometimes, data can seem pesky. Just ask the folks who continue to suggest that coronavirus spikes are merely the result of increased testing. “You know why we have so many [coronavirus] case...
Ten years ago last month, a team of advocacy organizations filed the New Orleans special education lawsuit (P.B. v. White) in federal court. The class-action suit laid out the harms caused by the...
Living through a pandemic is rough. It’s an experience that we are all wanting to come to an end. It has caused businesses to shut their doors due to the lack of customers. Schools have had to close...
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. In this case, the clock is soon-to-be-Ex-Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, who has told states that she won’t issue waivers for standardized tests this...