

It's Not a Radical Idea to Let Students Keep the Technology and Internet

COVID-19 has been a disaster for virtually every institution and education is no exception. With that being said, there has been one positive development—the proliferation of education technologies...

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student achievement

We Must Be Disciples for Our Students in 2021

This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, educators nationwide, and the world over, have had to adapt how they provide services to children and families. Like many of my colleagues, I too struggle...

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School Funding

Here’s What I Will Fight for in 2021

2020 was the pits. More than 300,000 Americans died from COVID. A dearth of presidential leadership that led to the politicization of wearing masks—the single most effective tool in the fight to...

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As 2020 Comes to a Close, We Are Tired and Inspired

It was that kind of day. Parents and teachers know the one: the day before the holiday break. The day when all grades are due, when the students are cheering for a reprieve from their classes and...

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Charter Schools

Three Lessons We Learned Through This Pandemic in 2020

It’s easy to view remote learning through the lens of its deficits. After all, there’s really no substitute for the face-to-face rapport with an excellent teacher. As an educator supporting public...

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The Most Important Question a Teacher Can Ask Is ‘How Are the Children?’

On the sun-glazed African continent, the most storied warrior people, incomparably formidable and sagacious in war, is the Maasai. It is perhaps unexpected, then, to learn the traditional greeting...

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