

The FCC Can Help End Digital Segregation Now by Expanding E-Rate

Exactly 60 years ago, James Baldwin wrote in Esquire magazine that "Anyone who has ever struggled with poverty knows how extremely expensive it is to be poor." Recent statements from some major...

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I Love Teaching, But I'm Not a Martyr

I have been navigating majority (or all) white spaces for a very long time. Whether it was the tracked gifted and talented classes or my time at university, I’ve always sort of been an outsider. In a...

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Achievement Gap

Here's Why Putting the Brakes on Charter Schools Is So 2020

Prior to COVID-19 upending American education, some state legislatures around the country considered moratoriums or “pauses” on public charter schools; while others, like in California, Illinois, and...

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Charter Schools

What AP Classes Can Teach Us About Building Stronger Curriculum for All Students

When millions of parents became de facto teachers during COVID-19, they saw firsthand a deep-seeded, widespread problem in American education: lackluster content and curricula that doesn’t educate or...

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student achievement

Schools Haven't Figured It Out, So Give Money to the Parents. We Need It.

Whether you support your state’s reopening plans or not, the reality is families locked out of learning for nearly a year are getting fed up. If you have a 6-year-old, like me, then you know online...

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student achievement

Cardona Matters, But the Most Important Decisions Will Happen at the Local Level

President Joe Biden has certainly kept busy during his first days in the Oval Office. He has issued a call for national unity, doubled down on his promise to reopen most schools in his first 100...

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